
Showing posts from November, 2020

Resources for Effectively Communicating with Others Using the DISC Behavioral Styles

This is a work in progress about using the DISC behavioral styles to more effectively communicate with others in meetings, task management, handling conflict, and managing.

Book Review & Summary: Taking Flight! Master the DISC Styles to Transform Your Career, Your Relationships…Your Life

Taking Flight! Master the DISC Styles to Transform Your Career, Your Relationships…Your Life by Merrick Rosenberg and Daniel Silvert is a good overview of the DISC Behaviors. It assigns a bird to each DISC style to make them easy to remember. 

Smart Home Conveniences & Automations

One of the fun parts of a smart home is thinking of new ideas to simplify things. I created the following list of smart home conveniences and automations we have set up in our house using Samsung SmartThings and Alexa. Hopefully, sharing my list will give someone else an idea for their home. I plan to add to this list over time and Iwrote a Smart Home Products article about the hardware that enables this list.