Gaudete Sunday: The Third Sunday of Advent

Happy 3rd Sunday of Advent! Today is Gaudete Sunday.  Gaudete is the Latin word for “Rejoice.”  Advent is a time for preparing for Jesus, and the theme is a need for penitence. Today is different, and the readings emphasize the joyous anticipation of the Lord's coming. 

The first reading is from Isaiah 61 and talks about bringing “glad tidings to the poor” and “rejoice heartily in the Lord.”  The Responsorial Psalm is the Canticle of Mary from Luke 1:46-54, with the response being from Ps 61:10, “My soul rejoices in my God.”  The 2nd reading is from 1st Thessalonians 5:16-24 and begins with “Rejoice always.  Pray without ceasing.” The Gospel introduces us to John the Baptist and his connection with Advent being “the voice of one crying out in the desert, ‘make straight the way of the Lord.’”

Today is a day of rejoicing and joy.  We only find joy in living the life God has created for us.  It is through prayer and studying the scriptures we can learn God’s will for us.  Because it is a joyful Sunday, today's vestments and Advent candle color are rose or pink.  Gaudete Sunday is Advent's counterpart to Laetare Sunday which also provides a day of celebration during Lent.

In his 2014 Gaudete Sunday Homily, Pope Francis called today the “Sunday of Joy,” and instead of fretting about "all they still haven't" done to prepare for Christmas, people should "think of all the good things life has given you."

Have a joyful week!


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